Tekst: Dominic van den Boogerd e.a.
Uitvoering: Gebonden
Aantal pagina’s: 240
Illustraties: Kleur en zwart-wit
Uitgever: Phaidon Press, 2009
Taal: Engels
Staat: Als nieuw
Marlene Dumas’ s work is widely admired for its emotionally-charged portrayal of the human figure and its potent combination of drama, humor and sexuality. Born in South Africa in 1953 and based in Amsterdam, Dumas is a highly-skilled painter; her work comments on the state of painting today while asking what it means to be a woman working within the predominantly male genre of Expressionist art. Dumas’ s work is collected and exhibited internationally, and since the publication of the first edition of this book, her following has continued to grow. This revised edition, with a new essay by Ilaria Bonacossa and new writings by Dumas, has been expanded by 80 pages to include the artist’s most recent work.