Tekst: Felis Krämer e.a.
Uitvoering: Gebonden
Aantal pagina’s: 174
Illustraties: Kleur en zwart-wit
Uitgever : Royal Academy of Arts, 2008
Taal : Engels
Staat: Als nieuw
Catalogus bij de tentoonstelling in de Royal Academy of Arts, London, 2008
‘This book is the catalogue for the current London exhibition at the Royal Academy of Art on Hammershoi, the first ever held in Britain on the work of the “Danish Vermeer”. It gives a fair idea of the mastery of light Hammershoi was able to infuse his paintings with.
The text is divided into three chapters, the first following the painter’s career chronologically, the second setting his art in the context of a “golden age” of Danish painting in the second half of the XIXth century, and the third (and most interesting) studying the links and differences of Hammershoi’s interior paintings with XVIIth century Dutch interior paintings.
On the whole, a valuable publication – if only because it is the only one available on the artist in English – but which suffers from the poor quality of the reproductions.’