Tekst: Jens Asthoff e.a.
Uitvoering: Gebonden
Aantal pagina’s: 256 pagina’s
Illustraties: Kleur en zwart-wit
Uitgever: Prestel, 2006
Taal: Engels/Duits
Formaat: 24,5 x 29 cm
Staat: Zeer goed
Born in Germany in the years following the collapse of the Communist regime, the New Leipzig School started when a group of classmates at the Leipzig Academy rediscovered figurative art. Their paintings reflected the melancholy that pervaded East Germany as it struggled with capitalism, high unemployment and depopulation. Fifteen year later, paintings by the Leipzig school and its related movement, Dresden Pop, are conquering the international art market. The authors take on this important trend one painter at a time, and also analyse the work of other contemporary German artists. They examine each artist oeuvre on its own merit and consider various factors behind the movementsthe onset of the digital age, social disillusionment and individual protest. Breathtaking reproductions allow readers to form their own ideas about what constitutes and drives new German painting, and understand its significance around the world.